Published: Jun 20, 2023

enhancing care for wildlife

Using smart technologies to monitor the environment and enable timely intervention

NCS developed a smart environment real-time monitoring system to track animals’ habitats, as part of Mandai Wildlife Group’s efforts to continually enhance animal care in its parks. When potential issues or abnormalities are detected, the animal care team is automatically alerted to investigate. The trial project has enabled Mandai Wildlife Group to improve the living environments of its animals with minimal disruption.

The challenge:

Given the large number of exhibits spread over a wide area, it can be challenging to manage and track critical environmental factors, like water and air quality, humidity, temperature, and noise level. Prior to the trial, the animal care team manually tracked key environmental parameters, which can be time-consuming.

The solution:

This trial showcases NCS’ tech expertise in Internet-of-Things, Cloud technologies, intelligent platforms and how we are driving impactful change through co-creation with our partners in developing innovative solutions while embedding sustainability into business and digital transformation.

Snapshot of capabilities:

The centralised data dashboard displays key parameters and alerts users when intervention is needed. The system allows users to set situational thresholds in the habitats. It is also optimised for both laptop and mobile hand-held devices to provide the ground staff with round-the-clock access to live situations.

The impact:

The real-time monitoring system allows the animal care team at Mandai Wildlife Group to instantly collect and access data, while automated alerts prompt quick intervention when necessary. It also raises productivity by eliminating manual processes in tracking environmental changes.

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