Published: Aug 30, 2023

empowering a learning institute to thrive in a connected world

With the changing digital landscape, institutes are altering the way they operate to meet evolving users’ needs. NCS co-developed a digital strategy with a leading learning institute to validate and establish an As-Is operating landscape to a To-Be Architecture and Operating model aimed at improving operations efficiency and customer experience. NCS also crystalised the institute’s digital transformation blueprint and budget with their transformation office to modernise core technologies, harness new technologies to improve users’ efficacy of learning and experience.


The challenge:

By 2027, the client aimed to be the leading one-stop Applied Study of Polytechnic and ITE Review (ASPIRE) funded continuing education and training provider to support Singapore’s vision of lifelong continuous learning. They needed a blueprint for business model transformation, system and platforms automation.

Snapshot of capabilities:

  • Business model transformation, system and platforms automation
  • Modernisation - incorporate digital tools and technologies across all aspects of their operations, from ideation to implementation

The impact:

  • Co-developed the 5-year transformation framework and budget to integrate digital technologies into all areas of their business, to optimise operations and deliver greater value.
  • Co-created a comprehensive implementation plan to optimise their Core-Learning System, Trainer Management System, Learning Experience Platform in Phase 1, with additional improvement initiatives in the subsequent phases over the next 3 years to promote collaboration, enhance users’ experience and meet business goals.

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