Published: Oct 03, 2023

critical infrastructure risk assessment

Provision of critical infrastructure risk assessment

A national agency needed to determine the cybersecurity posture of its critical information infrastructure. This required a detailed cybersecurity assessment that had to meet the national cybersecurity agency standards and be completed within the set timeline. With its strong capabilities and expertise, NCS was able to complete a successful risk assessment for the client.

The challenge:

The client required a detailed cybersecurity assessment of its four (4) critical infrastructure systems. Requirements included meeting standards set by the national cybersecurity agency and completion within the stipulated timeline.

The solution:

NCS delivered a comprehensive risk assessment and fulfilled requirements set by the client and the national cybersecurity agency. The cyber team worked closely alongside the client to ensure its completion and acceptance within the requirement timeline.

The impact:

The client gained a trusted cybersecurity partner, who understands the business and the stringent cybersecurity requirements. Moving forward, all critical infrastructure will be assured of a reliable risk assessment.

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