
Microsoft’s mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. Their mission is grounded in both the world in which we live and the future we strive to create. Microsoft does business in 170 countries and have 144,000 passionate employees dedicated to fulfilling our mission of helping you and your organisation achieve more.

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areas of collaboration

Collaborating across Microsoft's spectrum of smart business solutions

NCS and Microsoft are long-term partners. With Microsoft's Dynamic 365 and Microsoft 365 solutions along with advances in Azure IOT, AI and mixed reality, we work to drive end-to-end business process  automation and bridge the online and offline worlds. Business process automation includes digitising physical spaces, activities and interactions. To allow smarter and faster decision making, we offer Power BI, Power Apps and Flow solutions. 

Microsoft Validated Qualifications

NCS has demonstrated the highest level of specialisation, deep Microsoft technical expertise, and proven customer success for all Microsoft validated qualifications listed below.

Microsoft Competencies

Solutions Partner for Data & AI (Azure)

Solutions Partner for Digital & App Innovation (Azure)

Solutions Partner for Infrastructure (Azure)

Partner Programmes

Microsoft Direct Cloud Solution Program Reseller

Microsoft Licencing Solution Provider

Microsoft Dynamics Solution Provider

Microsoft Certifications

Azure Solutions Architect Expert

Azure Administrator Associate

Azure Data Engineer Associate

Azure Security Engineer Associate

Azure Developer Associate

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Microsoft solutions

From backend administration to front-end innovation, Microsoft solutions can transform the way you work.

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awards and accolades

Our case studies showcasing what we have delivered and the value we bring to business

Microsoft Solutions Partner, Data & AI

Microsoft Solutions Partner, Digital & App Innovation

Microsoft Solutions Partner, Infrastructure

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Join us to help our clients across key industries implement the latest in technology and speed their digital transformation journey.
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