Andre Conti | Chief Operating Officer for Enterprise

Leading Growth and Transformation in Australia

Posted on Oct 15, 2020

An Inspiring Global Leader

One may assume Andre Conti is French, due to his fluent French, but Andre was actually born in Luxembourg, though his family has its roots in Italy. A true global citizen, Andre has a breadth of experience spanning across 12 European countries, before making Australia home 14 years ago. Prior to joining NCS in 2020, he has accumulated over 30 years of invaluable experience in the information technology sphere, with a focus on cloud computing. With his extensive experience, Andre is the ideal candidate to helm the growth of NCS NEXT Solutions in Australia and to accelerate cloud transformation in the region. As the Lead of NEXT Solutions in NCS Australia, he relishes the opportunity and challenge to develop the Australian practice from the ground up with a diverse and capable team. One area of the business he will be focusing his efforts on would be the growth and delivery of cloud solutions to support his clients’ cloud transformation efforts.

Delivering Best-in-Class Performance

On his mission to establish a footprint for NCS in Australia, Andre will need a strong team to meet market demands for cloud computing, the modern workplace, big data analytics, and cybersecurity. Building a strong team that can deliver a best-in-class experience for clients requires perseverance and grit. Andre is no stranger to these traits. As a seasoned long-distance runner, he clearly understands that business is very much like a race. In order to run a successful race, a runner has to embody the values of consistency, far-sightedness, focus, and endurance. Andre looks forward to creating lasting long-term value and demonstrating the benefits of embarking on the cloud journey with NCS.

Assembling a Team of Experts

Andre has his sight on assembling a team with deep expertise so as to address market demands. He foresees his team being able to marry their vast experience along with expertise in the cloud computing sphere to create a long-term success formula of value creation for our clients. With about 30 staff under his wing now, Andre aspires to beef up the manpower to five times its current strength in the next two years. Assembling a dream team he can call his family, he intends to nurture his team carefully to bring out the best in each member, and together build a cohesive and resilient unit.

Living by 3 golden values, he keeps to these: authenticity, honesty, and open-mindedness.

Andre believes in providing value to people by framing solutions, in a constructive, tactful way that appeals to the client’s needs and concerns. For clients, this translates to an authentic relationship built on a foundation of trust, with their interest in mind.

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